Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hi there! My name is Ritzy-kun, and I am a growing photographer and cosplayer.

This year I will start my journey as a cosplay photographer and hope to have fun and enjoy every minute. 


Why did you become a Cosplayer?

Well, my main inspiration to be a cosplayer came with my love of the fandom of Loveless, upon getting volume one of the manga at the age of 10. (the back says 16+ lol) I slowly developed a love for the main character, and wanted to dress up as him for Halloween that year.

After a few years I found Malindachan on YouTube and watched her cosplay videos and wanted to become more immersed in the world of Cosplay and Conventions. I got back into the Yugioh fandom thanks to her, and Little Kuriboh. :D

In 2009 I went to my first con. with my best friend. Even though it was a one day con. it was still a blast! I saw many amazing costumes and met lots of cool people. After that, my friend Kakumey and I (The friend I attended my first con. with) came up with an idea to make our own cosplay group, Isho-Cosplay, it's home base is on DeviantART and has almost 40 70 members!

Last year I wanted to start on a bunch of costumes, after re-watching Malinda's videos over, and over I became hooked on making costumes from the Yugioh fandom, and even make a fandom OC my alter ego in the Naruto world and cosplay him. I now have 10 30 cosplays done, mostly though thrift stores and closet cosplay.

I went to my second con. in June of 2010, I made tons of new friends and developed stronger bonds through cosplaying with people around in other states and countries as well. I had started on my Yusei Fudo cosplay (Yugioh 5D's) for the con. and had most of it done. My favorite aspect of the costume though is my wig. I put a week and a few days worth of time into it with a friend, and I've gotten many compliments, and some adults have even asked if it was my real hair! xD

Also, in 2009 I got a camera for my birthday, and I immediately started taking pictures of everything. When I saw Katsuya Welller's work I felt compelled to try my hand at cosplay photography as well, loving the aspect of it all, being behind the camera, taking photo for big shoots at cons. and even doing side shootings with friends and getting a 'good job' clap on the back for taking great photos.

As of now I will have been a cosplayer for four years. I will continue to develop and hone my skills in sewing, and creating things for cosplay, continue to hang out and make friends with people who share the same interest, and simply become a better person through it all.

What camera do you use?

I use a GE (General Imaging) Digital Camera C1033.
It's a good camera to start with and I'm working up to getting a better one~

Why Cosplay Photography?

Cosplay has been a bg part of my life fir the past few years now and photography is an undying passion of mine as well. I've seen Katsuya Weller's cosplay photography and was greatly inspired by it, wanting to try it for myself.

(Repost from first question:)

In 2009 I got a camera for my birthday, and I immediately started taking pictures of everything. When I saw Katsuya Welller's work I felt compelled to try my hand at cosplay photography as well, loving the aspect of it all, being behind the camera, taking photo for big shoots at cons. and even doing side shootings with friends and getting a 'good job' clap on the back for taking great photos.

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